May 2024

Stages of Your Knee Replacement Procedure

When pain in your knee begins to interfere with the activities that you enjoy or even the basic tasks that you complete each day, then consider having a knee replacement. This is a procedure performed that gives you a knee joint so that you have the support needed in your knee to walk, stand, and move around. The surgery often involves using metallic parts for reconstruction and is an ideal option if you have had an injury to this area of your body or who have other health issues that prevent the normal function of the knee.

Before surgery, you’ll meet with your doctor to discuss the reasons why it’s the best option to consider. You’ll also have exams to determine the severity of the condition of your knee to ensure that other treatments aren’t suitable. You’ll be able to ask questions before the surgery is scheduled and on the day of the procedure. With any knee replacement ohio doctors perform, you’ll usually need to list any medications that you’re taking. A medical history will likely be taken to get a better understanding of your activity level and to determine if there are other medical issues that need to be addressed.

You likely won’t be able to eat the night before the surgery, so you need to eat something healthy in order to give your body strength and energy to recover. Before surgery, a sedative is sometimes given so that you relax before receiving anesthesia. A physical therapist could give your instructions about the steps that you need to take after surgery as you need to begin moving your knee around as soon as possible to prevent the joint and surrounding muscles from seizing. You will usually need someone to help with tasks at home for about a week or two so that you can gain the strength back in your knee and so that surgical incisions heal.

After the surgery, you’ll need to stay in the hospital for a short time. General anesthesia will be used so that you’re asleep throughout the surgery. Your heart rate and vital signs will be monitored until the surgery is over and sometimes while you’re in the hospital room. Antibiotics are usually given to prevent an infection from developing. The damaged areas of the knee are removed and repaired before artificial components are placed. Surgical cement is often used to secure the pieces in place so that they don’t move. Once the joint is repaired, the incisions are closed. Your doctor could place a small drain in order to remove any excess fluid. This can help to decrease your risk of an infection as well.

While you’re in the hospital, your vital signs will be examined. Your therapist will usually begin working with you a few days after surgery to try to get the knee mobile as soon as possible. Medications can be given to help with pain to make moving around a bit easier. Physical therapy should continue at home until you are to the point where movement is normal once again.

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