Myths About Laser Hair Removal

Myths About Laser Hair Removal

You probably know someone who has had or has laser hair removal. New spa services and treatments are growing in popularity all the time, so there’s probably a laser hair removal salon near you. If you’ve been considering having this procedure, you have multiple questions about it. With new things to try, new considerations come into play for many people. Does it hurt to have the treatment? Will it grow back thicker and more noticeable because of it? How much does laser hair removal cost? These are all things you might be wondering about before going through with such an extensive treatment process that involves your body. What is true and what isn’t about laser hair removal? Let’s debunk some common myths about this popular cosmetic procedure:

Laser Hair Removal Is Painful

Many people assume that laser hair removal is extremely painful, but this isn’t always the case. Your practitioner will likely apply a special gel or cream to your skin before the treatment starts to help with discomfort. Each laser hair removal session lasts around 15 minutes. You may experience mild discomfort during the procedure, but it’s nothing compared to the pain you might feel from waxing, plucking, or using electrolysis. Laser hair removal is often described as feeling like a rubber band snapping against the skin. While most people can tolerate this sensation without any problems, laser hair removal isn’t suitable for everyone. Certain medical conditions (such as diabetes or lupus) and medications can increase your risk of experiencing more discomfort or side effects from the procedure.

You’ll Be Bald After Your Session

Some people mistakenly assume that their hair follicles will be destroyed after multiple laser hair removal sessions. This isn’t true at all. After your session, your hair may be shorter and weaker, but it won’t fall out. Your follicles will remain intact and can still grow hair, but the new hair will be much finer and lighter in color. Interestingly, laser hair removal often slows the growth of new hair. After one or two sessions, many people experience a brief period of time without new hair growth. This can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on your body and the area you’re having treated. Unfortunately, laser hair removal doesn’t permanently stop your hair from growing. If you want to keep the results of laser hair removal permanent, you’ll likely need to get maintenance sessions done every few months.

It Will Grow Back Thicker and Darker

There are lots of rumors about how hair follicles will react to laser hair removal, especially when the hair grows back. Some people mistakenly believe that the hair will come back thicker and darker after having this treatment done multiple times. Actually, the opposite will occur. Because your hair will be lighter in color and finer after multiple sessions, many people notice that their hair grows back thinner and lighter than before. Laser hair removal works by targeting the melanin (pigment) in your hair and destroying the root structure. Unfortunately, laser hair removal doesn’t always work perfectly. Your hair may not fall out after treatment. Instead, it may be slightly shorter and lighter in color, but it will still grow back. Some people report that their hair grows back weaker after multiple laser hair removal treatments, which can make it easier to remove.

It Costs a Lot of Money to Have Laser Hair Removal

It’s true that laser hair removal can cost a lot of money, but there are ways to cut down on the cost of this treatment. It’s a good idea to find out which areas are best for hair removal. Your practitioner will likely recommend areas that don’t have a lot of fine hair or thick, coarse hair. Areas like your lower legs, upper arms, thighs, and underarms are great to treat with laser hair removal. Other areas have more coarse or thick hair. These may be best for other hair removal methods such as electrolysis or waxing. Some people assume that laser hair removal only works for lighter skin tones, but this isn’t true. The laser can be adjusted to treat all skin types. Your practitioner will likely charge more for certain areas than others. While price isn’t everything when it comes to laser hair removal, it can definitely help you save money.

It’s Harmful

There are a lot of myths surrounding laser hair removal. One that is often heard is that it leads to skin irritation, scarring, or redness. While there is some truth to this, it depends on the type of laser used and how sensitive your skin is. There are also no studies that have proven it to cause any lasting harm. In fact, many people who have gone through laser hair removal say they had no noticeable side effects at all.

There’s another myth that says you shouldn’t do laser hair removal if you have fine hair because it won’t be effective enough. This could not be further from the truth! No matter what your hair type, the laser can remove unwanted hair and reduce its visibility. The best thing about a laser is that it does not leave behind any marks or scabs as electrolysis does.

Laser hair removal is an effective treatment for unwanted hair growth. It works by targeting the root of the problem, removing the hair follicle, and preventing re-growth. As with any treatment, there are risks involved, but most people can expect good results when they use a reputable clinic with years of experience in using this treatment method.