May 2024

Why It’s Important for Women to Get A Health Screening

Why It's Important for Women to Get A Health Screening

As we make a conscious effort to take care of our bodies, we have to understand the importance of seeing our doctor. Routine checkups are good because they will help you stay on the right track, or help you learn what adjustments you need to make to get back on the right track. Some of the reasons you should get a health screening include finding medical issues, assess risk for future issues, and get updated on your vaccinations.

Finding Medical Issues

When you visit a healthcare provider for a screening they will give you a routine checkup and make sure all of your systems are functioning properly. During the screening you will be checked for high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol. For your blood pressure you should aim to get checked every couple of years unless your pressure is 120-139/80-89, then you should get checked annually. For your cholesterol, women should get check between the ages of 20 to 45. This screening only needs to be done once every 5 years if your cholesterol is normal. If you gain any weight or change your diet, consider testing sooner. If your blood pressure registers at 140/80Hg or higher, your provider will most likely check your blood sugar for diabetes. You should get screened if you have a BMI over 25 which means you are overweight.

Assessing the Risk for Future Issues

Your medical provider will speak with you about your habits and look over the condition of your nutrition based on your blood tests. Depending on if something is found on the blood tests or not your health care provider might suggest that you change your diet or add more exercise. Another risk factor that will be considered is your genetics. If your immediate family had any type of conditions you might be at higher risk to develop those same issues. Your doctor can also advise you on what types of activity are ok for you to engage in based on your overall health or heart health. You might not like a lot of the advice or suggestions because it’s tough to make an immediate change when you’re used to certain lifestyle, but it’s important to attempt the adjustments to give yourself a better chance of living a longer healthier life.


At the time of your health screening you might be introduced to other vaccinations created to prevent the latest common illnesses. These types of vaccinations could even include a flu shot. These days you will get asked if you’ve traveled outside of the country with a past timeframe, that’s because there are different viruses and conditions you could have been exposed to and doctors might need to prepare for those types of variables. You can search online for any Womens Health Screening starkville ms in your area.


Getting a health screening might sound like a scary thing to do, but it’s worth it to make sure you’re in good health. Health screenings can help you find medical issues, assess risk of other medical issues, and help you get the appropriate vaccinations. There is always a chance that you’ll get a health screening and you get a great report.

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