Hospice – 4 Things To Expect Before Enrolling A Loved One Into End-of-Life Care

Hospice  - 4 Things To Expect Before Enrolling A Loved One Into End-of-Life Care

Hospice providers face death at some point in their lives—a grandparent, a sick relative, or even an old pet. End-of-life care can begin at any point of a person’s illness, depending on its progression, as well as their individual needs.

In cases of dementia, Alzheimer’s, or other life-limiting diseases and illnesses, it’s probably best to consider hospice care at home rather than curative care. Here’s everything you should know when enrolling your loved one into palliative care and late-stage care:

Early preparations

A person’s journey towards the end of their life can be eased by a considerable amount by having clear conversations regarding their treatment, placement, and any wishes. At-home palliative care and hospice services can help your loved one feel safe and comfortable in familiar surroundings. They’ll get all the physical, mental, and emotional support that they need to pass away peacefully.

Legal and financial advice

It’s important to get proper legal and financial advice while your family member or loved one is still able to participate with a sound mind. Legal documents regarding powers of attorney, advance directives, or living wills can help the patient set forth their wishes before their illness becomes too much for them to handle.


If your loved one doesn’t have an advance directive or living will while you’re enrolling them in a late-stage care facility, it’s important to act on what your feel or know their wishes might be. Create a list of events and conversations that can illustrate their views and consider the dying patient’s vantage point regarding any decisions as much as your can. You can also help your loved ones create their living will by themselves if they are still in a competent state.

Address any family conflicts

The grief and stress caused by your loved one’s deteriorating health can often create conflict amongst family members. This might stress your loved ones out even more, so it’s important to make sure that they are out of earshot of any family drama. Try to talk to your conflicting family members and make them understand the importance of enrolling your loved one into a quality late-stage care facility.

Need palliative care at home?

Hospice Home Care has got you covered. They provide a wide variety of hospice and end-of-life care services in the comfort of your own home. You or your loved one will be able to spend the rest of your time in peace while surrounded by the people you matter. 

Contact them for more details or get a free consultation to discuss your needs.